About us

Hidden Vessels was started by our owner Camesha Anglin. She was raised in church her whole life, but when she went to college her life took a turn. She realized she didn’t know who she was and through life events she couldn’t see her worth. After much healing and finding her way back to Christ, she discovered her value. Camesha learned that she was a Diamond and diamonds must go through a process. Before the Diamond displays it’s beauty, it’s hidden by coal until it goes through pruning thus the name Hidden Vessels came to fruition. 

Camesha has had a love for fashion for many years. As she grew closer to God, she wanted to dress more appropriately, but she struggled trying to find a medium of fashionable clothing and trying to remain “covered.” She wanted to create an online experience for women alike where it would be easier to find fashion forward trends without feeling like you couldn’t be “modest.”

Here at Hidden Vessels, we want to empower women to know that they are special regardless of what they went through or what their thoughts tell them otherwise, and God sees you as worthy. 

Thank you for your love and support!

“Keep me as the apple of your eye; hide me in the shadow of your wings”
‭‭Psalms‬ ‭17:8‬ ‭NIV‬‬